Real stories

Step into the world of early years and discover what it’s like to make a difference by doing something big.

Channel 4 meets early years heros

Life coach Anna Williamson takes career seekers on a journey into the world of early years education. Follow their experiences and discover the joy, rewards and variety of working with small children.

How to love your job

Episode 1: Former prison officer Carla longs for a job working outside – see how she gets on at a forest school nursery.
Episode 3: Estate agent Ryan explores a new meaningful career path after meeting Danny.
Episode 2: Ryan loves singing and expressing himself. Find out what happens when he meets nursery manager, Sarah.
Episode 4: Freya left a high-powered job in recruitment to set up her own business. Can childminder Jo show her the perfect work-life balance?

A day in the life of an early years educator

Every day in early years and childcare is unique. Explore our case study videos of real early years educators and find out more about the roles they do.

Vena: early years educator
Melvyn: early years apprentice
Holly: L3 childcare apprentice
Brodie: childminder
Louise: nursery manager
Caroline: nursery owner
Donna: childcare apprentice
Sam: childminder
Watch our TV advert: could you do something big?
Diamond: wraparound manager
Maryam: L3 childcare apprentice
Ailsa: pre-school deputy head.

Career journey blogs

Read stories from people around the country on how they started their careers, their favourite aspects of the job, and why they recommend working in early years. 

Lyndsey – childminder

Meet Lyndsey, a childminder with 10 years experience, who has been able to work flexibly, allowing her time to care for her own child.


A women sat on a sofa with her arm around a small girl reading a book together

Will – club manager

Give a big high five to Will, who kicked off his career as an apprentice and has proudly progressed to the role of wraparound club manager.


A man stood in a classroom with games and toys on a table

Liam – level 3 early years educator

Liam, a nursery practitioner, shares his career journey as a male in early years education.

Man with child sat next to him drawing

Patrick – wraparound coordinator

Patrick swapped training adults for teaching and inspiring young children.


Man looking at camera smiling holding a piece of paper saying my summer adventure

Lynne – childminder

Lynne embraced the warming world of smiles and cuddles by building a fulfilling childminding business.


A woman sat at a table looking at the camera and smiling

Kerry – wraparound owner

Having worked in childcare for many years, Kerry now owns a thriving wraparound childcare company.


A woman sits at a table holding a paintbrush with 3 children sat next to her painting

Working in early years and childcare

Explore the many different types of roles in early years and childcare.


Two women play playing hopscotch with a group of children.

Training and qualifications

Find out more about the qualifications you can take.

A woman looking closely at a dressed-up child in a blue cape staring heroically at the ceiling.

Search for jobs

If you’re ready to apply now, you can search for jobs in the early years and childcare sector. There are around 30,000 nurseries and pre-schools in the UK, so there are lots of opportunities out there.